The Blessings Of Harmony

Unity is a rare occurrence. Selfishness is still too common, even among believers. James wrote to Christians explaining that at the root of all conflict, divisions, and quarrels is a selfish desire (James 4:1-3). As the complete opposite to selfish desires, love is described as “does not seek its own”

Human Movement and Christian Minds

A lone ranger is a dead ranger—or so the saying goes. In Christianity, the statement is a little more striking: “A lone Christian is an arrogant Christian.” A lone ranger might die because he has no one watching his back, but a lone Christian will die because he has too

What About All Those Other Christian Ministries? (1)

How must we think about different Christian ministries? There are three typical Christian-ministry situations in which Christians need to apply some Biblical discernment: The first is when there is more than one faithful, godly Gospel teacher. For example, in 1 Corinthians chapters 1 and 3, Paul deals with believers in