Getting in, and out, of Trouble

God created the world “very good”. In the Garden of Eden there was nothing wrong and nothing bad. Nobody sinned, nobody suffered, nobody hurt, nobody hated. There was no trouble of any kind. It is the obvious evidence that everything good in this life comes from a very good God

Christian Experiences Summed up in One Psalm

Psalm 1 is commonly recognised as the Psalm that introduces us to the rest of the Psalter. It is truly a Psalm that sums up the daily life experiences of every believer. Just like some life experiences are wonderful moments of worship, so many of the Psalms are Psalms of praise

Blessed Are the Meek

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5 Like the other Beatitudes, this one exposes the irony of reality. In a world where it appears that the angry, loud, and self-confident always get ahead, we soon forget that the opposite is actually reality. This beatitude is

The Sigh of Righteousness

Until the Lord comes again to put an end to sin and establish righteousness as the standard for society, righteousness will be difficult. We know that it is always better to respond to evil with righteousness, but sometimes righteousness seems to draw out more evil from evil-doers. There is often

Godliness Leaves a Longer Shadow

You know how short your shadow is in the middle of the day, and how it gets longer and longer as the day comes to an end. This is true spiritually too. In the middle of our lives it might feel like fearing the Lord and doing what is right

A Psalm When Reality is Unpleasant

Psalm 10 is in many ways the perfect hospital bed Psalm for believers and even unbelievers. It is a Psalm of Reality – unpleasant reality. Read the first thirteen verses, and see if the pleas of your heart do not often express the same questions. Does God not see? Why does

A Tale of Two Men

The collection of 150 Psalms begins with a tale of two men. These two men live in every era, every country, every city, every neighbourhood. Each has his own methods for living his life, and each end up with their own lot in life. You probably envy the lot of

The Revealing Nature of Light

In all the privacy concerns of the internet, one is forced to think of what would happen if every detail of your online activity were exposed to the world. Does that thought make you cringe, or will that action vindicate you? Now, go beyond your online activity, and consider your

Wisdom For Living Among the Wicked

The book of Proverbs is filled with unusual wisdom. Some of the proverbs are simple common-sense truisms, while others defy the natural way of human thinking. This is because Proverbs is God’s wisdom for man – it will be full of truisms, for every word of God is true and

A prayer in times of violence

Psalm 140 models the prayer of the faithful when confronted with the countless stories, and even personal experiences, of violent men acting wickedly. We pray during times of wickedness, because we are not ignorant and naïve. We know violent men abound (Ps 140:1), that they plan their evil exploits (Ps 140:2, Ps