Let marriage be held in honour among all Hebrews 13:4a Be you single, married, divorced, or widowed, you have an obligation as a Christian to make marriage great in the eyes of those around you. This verse is not only for church gatherings and Christian get-togethers; it is for all
God’s Purpose for Marriages
Contrary to what some might think, the Bible is very clear and authoritative regarding the institution and purpose of marriage. In Genesis 2:18 we are told about the first marriage; officiated by God between the first man and first woman to ever exist. In making one mature man and one
Top Priorities for Every Woman, Wife, and Mother
Life in this world isn’t easy. Although it is objectively and profoundly true that a Christian’s life in this world is much easier simply for knowing the truth and not being so enslaved to sin, it doesn’t always feel easier. In fact, it feels at times that being a Christian
Top Three Commandments for Husbands
Leadership has become one of the key words in Christianised teachings for husbands. The headship of a husband is clearly taught in Scripture (Ephesians 5:23 and 1 Corinthians 11:3 as well as an implication from Ephesians 5:22, 24). However, leadership of a husband over a wife is never commanded in
A Prayer for Your Wife
My heavenly Father, by giving me my wife, you have shown me more favour (Pro 18:22) than the best of inheritances that my earthly father could give (Pro 19:14). She is indeed the most precious treasure I have (Pro 31:10). Thank you for shaping her into a woman whom I
Evidences of a Good Marriage
Song of Solomon is about a marriage the way God intended. It is an inspired vindication of marriage against the anti-marriage stigma in the world. Song of Solomon mentions four evidences of a good marriage. These four things are turning upside down by the world resulting in much anti-marriage thinking.
If you would do marriage right, …
Marriage gets a very bad rap from way too many people. It is because sin always aims its corrupting darts at the noblest of things. Marriage is often treated as the ugly sister of all earthly pursuits, the reason for many a married person to spend more time at work
Loving an Ageing Spouse
Perhaps the most avid and trustworthy Christian blogger in the English language today is Tim Challies. He recently wrote an article on a husband’s love for the physical body of a wife’s post-partum body. His point is that marital love is matured through a shared life story, including the changes in our
Are Wives Cursed With Wanting To Rule Over Their Husbands?
It is commonly taught that much of the conflict in marriage is because of the curse on the woman in Genesis 3:16. The English Standard Version, for example, even translates the Hebrew word in a way to communicate God cursing the wife with a desire to oppose her husband in contrast to her husband’s rule.
A Housewife’s Heart
A housewife has the odd experience of being admired and scorned at the same time. In admiration, many are careful not to come across as degrading in their use of the term ‘housewife’, yet scornfully they resist any hint of themselves adopting the work of a housewife or enabling their