Soft Words; Harsh Words; Which Words Work Best?

A soft answer turns away wrath,but a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 15:1 What a necessary verse it is for us in this world! In fact, if the world got just this one verse in the Bible right, our world would be almost perfect! James chapter 3 affirms that

Help for Money-Troubled Hearts

We all probably feel a little bit like the one in Proverbs bewailing his lack of interest in lady wisdom and now feeling the pinch. From boring financial experts to sensational money-personalities we might have been averse to sitting down and working out a sensible financial plan. Unless your parents

Romans 12:16 The Secret of Getting along with Others

Live in harmony with one another Romans 12:16 That is the idealistic dream of this world—getting along with others. We love those who are easy to get along with, and we admire those who seem to get along with everyone they meet. Sadly it seems that the slightest unintentional gesture

Seek Understanding

In disagreements, the difference between a smooth flowing conversation and a fight, often comes down to how each of the participants subconsciously move between “knowledge” and “understanding”. A wise man will always place understanding before knowledge, viewing understanding as the key to knowledge. He is not only concerned about what

A Better Wisdom

Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom. But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. This is not the wisdom that comes down

The One Thing That Will Get Your Life on Track and Keep It So

How can a young man keep his way pure? Psalm 119:9a This question is not just a casual question of a young man living a pure life and passively hoping to keep it that way. Rather, it is a question of a young man looking down the path of his

Your Christian Rights and Responsibilities

The world thrives on a sense of personal rights. We expect things from others, and get upset when our expectations are not met by them. When we are hurt by another, we retaliate in silence, bitterness, anger, or legal action because we sense the right to be recompensed for the

Two Ways to Live

Psalm 1 is a favourite on many levels. Placed first in the Psalter, it acts like a flagship for the rest of the Psalms, offering decisive direction before embarking in this rest of the collection of Psalms. Psalm 1 offers wisdom on the two options each person has on how to live

What All Would You Have Done Today?

What are your daily activities? Ever sat down at the end of the day and written down the list of activities of that day? We might have a task-list of what we should do each day, but do you take stock of what you did do each day? If you

Tips on Getting Older

Getting older is not for the weak. Unfortunately, weakness is one of the symptoms of getting older. Such frustrations imply that the Bible probably has much to say about said topic. Indeed, God has much to say on getting older. Sermon series can be preached on these verses, but at