Simplification is good. We appreciate teachers who can simplify complex lessons. We learn much from pastors who can explain grand theology simply. We need frequent reminders of the basics of Christian living.

Someone once said somewhat tongue-in-cheek that when Paul wanted to simply explain the Gospel, he wrote the book of Romans. Although it is certainly a very clear presentation of God’s righteousness and how to attain it through Christ, Romans is not a simplified version of the Gospel. But in Romans 12, he does offer a somewhat-simplified guide for Christian living.

According to Romans 12, the basics of Christian living are to:

  • Give yourself entirely to the worship of God (1)
  • Live as God would have you live, no longer like the world (2)
  • Think sensibly about how and where to serve in the church (3-8)
  • Love earnestly (9-10)
  • Serve appropriately (11-15)
  • Be a peacemaker (16-18)
  • Do good, not evil (19-21)

Life has so many different expectations from us, but Romans 12 is there to keep us on track through it all. This is how our testimony will shine and our worship of God will be right.