The end of the world is somewhat in the news again with the typical highly-sensationalised prophecy books and supposed fulfilments. If you want a quick overview of what the real end of the world will look like, here is a quick overview from Jesus’s most comprehensive teaching on the End Times.

Listen to this sermon on Luke 21:5-36 “Jesus Answers Questions about the End Times” or read pages 14-15 in our “Doctrinal Statement

But the end of the world is not the topic of this post. This post is to re-direct any end-of-the-world fascination at this time of crisis to a more personal version of the end of your time on this world.

When Jesus was asked to comment on the highly unusual deaths and desecration of some of their fellow countrymen, Jesus didn’t go off on an End Times tangent and show how some prophecy book at mentioned something remotely similar. Instead, Jesus used it to point to the inevitable end of each one asking Him the questions (Luke 13:1-3). Jesus even went a step further in that discussion, and used a local disaster that had killed eighteen people once again to emphasise the inevitable end of each person (Luke 13:4-5).

When events occur that shake society by the horrific or sudden way in which many people lose their lives, it is not time for end-of-the-world prophecies, fear, and paranoia. Instead it is time to check your own heart for how ready you are whenever your day comes. Jesus continued with a parable warning all to repent and bear fruit while they still can, for eventually time will run out (Luke 13:6-9).

Sermon suggestion: Luke 12:49-13:9 “How to Escape Judgment Day

If current local and global calamities teach us anything at all, they teach us that death comes in horrific and unexpected ways. That is why Jesus used ‘smaller’ disasters to point at each living heart and call for repentance, and fruit of repentance, before each of us live our last day in this world.

In the day of trouble, consider God (Eccl 7:14). Then, take courage that the world will not end until God ends it, and we who believe in Him can continue in our zeal for good works until He calls us home (Tit 2:12-14).