the LORD knows the way of the righteous,

Psalm 1:6

When you are living contrary to all that the world encourages, advises, and pursues, the Lord knows.

When you are continuing in holiness even though sin is flaunted before you, the Lord knows.

When you are bearing the shame of those who openly mock the Lord, your faith, and godliness, the Lord knows.

When you read your Bible, delighting in the Law of the Lord, the Lord knows.

When you memorise version for meditation, and read theological explanations for your own mind renewal, the Lord knows.

When you are budding and growing like a tree in the middle of this spiritual desert of this world, the Lord knows.

When you are bearing the fruit of the Spirit, the Lord knows.

When you are remaining faithful during the difficult and spiritually dry times, the Lord knows.

When you prosper for doing what is right, the Lord knows.

When the wicked are judged, you will not be swept away with them, for the Lord knows.

When the righteous are gathered for entry into eternal glory, the Lord knows.

When you are the only one doing righteousness in a world of wickedness, the Lord knows.

When the deeds of the wicked cause their own ruin, the Lord knows.

All these affirmations are from the statements and imagery of Psalm 1. Is it not perhaps the greatest blessing of all in this Psalm, that the Lord knows the way of the righteous? He is not ignorant about us and our lives. He will not forget. He will always know us and our pursuit of Him.