All mankind, yes even us who have been saved, fall into bad habits of how we deal with sin.

The Remedy for sin is NOT …

  • denying it
  • minimising it (making it “respectable”)
  • ignoring the guilt
  • hoping it will go away with time (the “time heals everything” myth)
  • pushing the guilt on another by blaming them
  • focussing on doing good in other ways (the “good outweighs bad” dream)
  • suffering by relishing in the consequences and self-pity
  • following some self-help steps

… but there is a remedy for sin, and it is confession and forgiveness (1 John 1:9).

The essence of the Christian faith was once summed up by John Newton (ex-slave trader) in these words: “I am a great sinner; Christ is a great Saviour”

The Apostle Paul put it in these words: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost.

May we never treat sin lightly, nor may we ever forget the pure joy of forgiveness!

Psalm 130:4

   But with you there is forgiveness, 
   that you may be feared.