Pride must die in you or nothing of heaven can live in you.
Andrew Murray
This quote can be found in an end-note of a little booklet that contains more truth than many books ten times its size.
A little booklet by Andrew Murray on the virtue of humility is filled with dagger-like thrusts into our proud hearts.
humility … is the highest virtue of the creature
the lack of humility is the sufficient explanation of every defect and failure
humility towards men will be the only sufficient proof that our humility before God is real
let the discovery of the lack of this grace [humility] stir us to larger expectations from God. Let us look upon every brother who tries or vexes us as God’s means of grace
where the creature becomes nothing before God, it cannot be anything but humble towards the fellow creature
it is not in daily sinning that the secret of the deeper humility will be found, but in the [confession] that [we] are sinners saved by grace
let us accept gladly whatever can humble us before God or men
reckon humility to be indeed … your very first duty before God … and set your heart upon it
pride must die in you or nothing of heaven can live in you
May we imitate our Lord Jesus in the greatest of virtues (Philippians 2:3-5)!