Life in this world isn’t easy. Although it is objectively and profoundly true that a Christian’s life in this world is much easier simply for knowing the truth and not being so enslaved to sin, it doesn’t always feel easier. In fact, it feels at times that being a Christian in this world is much harder than the Instagram and Netflix lives of unbelievers.
This is especially true for women, wives, and mothers. Worldly women appear more successful as they selfishly exploit their marriages and make parenting as hassle-free as possible. But what is the key to true happiness and success for a Christian woman, especially those who are married with children?
We can summarise the many things Scripture says about, and to, women in the following five priorities for Christian women. Keep these five priorities, in order! They safeguard every Christian woman from the perceived priorities of the world, and they help in the practical control of one’s own mind when life starts spinning out of control in one or more ways.
Five Excessive Priorities for Christian women, wives, and mothers.
First, be the godliest woman alive. Nothing is worth sinning for—ever! If you have to sin (get angry, slander, be worldly, etc.) to get something, or if you sin (worry, fear, bitterness, etc.) when you don’t get something, then it is not worth it. Ask of every situation “What is the godly way to proceed?” before doing whatever the situation is otherwise about. Be known for prioritising faith and godliness above all else. (Pro 31:30)
Second, make your husband the happiest man on the planet. In all the busyness of life, make sure to prioritise obvious gestures of love and friendship towards your husband, building him up. (Pro 31:11-12; Pro 31:23, Tit 2:4; Eph 5:33)
Third, make your children the most loved children in the world. The sheer daily maintenance of children is important and among the many expressions of a mother’s love for her children, but be sure to love them in the truly motherly ways of care, affection, and relationship too. (Pro 31:15, Pro 31:21, Tit 2:4)
Fourth, do the most good that you can to others. Especially other believers, but the world too, should know that you care and show it in obvious acts of goodness. (Pro 31:20; 1 Tim 5:10)
Fifth, excel in whatever else you find to do. If, after the previous priorities, there still remains resources available (time, finances, transport, creativity, energy, etc), exploit them all for the glory of God. (Pro 31:16, Pro 31:22, Pro 31:31; 1 Cor 10:31)
Keep these priorities in order, sacrifice the lesser for the greater as needed, and the Lord will bless the fruit of your hands.
For the men, read this: Top Three Commandments for Husbands