Christian Fellowship

Christian fellowship is a common part of regular church practise, starting in Acts 2:42 already. And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers Christian fellowship is different to Christian socialising. Christians socialise easily, but fellowship takes some work. Christian fellowship is the

Ukuphepha ekutheni uhlubuke

Ngokudabukisayo, ziningi izindaba ezingaxoxwa zamaKrestu eshiya inkolo: izingane ezilungile ezishiyha ibandla uma sezisuka emakhaya abazali bazo; abangani abalinyazwa nguMzalwane bese bephika yonke into ngenkolo; ngisho nabefundisi imbala abahlubuka ukukholwa. Siyazi ukuthi babengesibo amaKrestu uma sifunda (1 KaJohane 2:19). Kodwa isexwayiso sokuzishaya uMkrestu bese kuya ube usulaxaza konke sikhona ngempela. 2