ULwesibili weviki lokubethelwa kweNkosi yethu uJesu Khristu

Ngokwemizamo yokulandelanisa izikhathi zezigameko, izigameko ezilandelayo zenzeka ngoLwesibili lweviki uJesu afa ngalo. (leyo enomaka* isisiza ukuba sifunde kafushane) UJesu uqalekisa isihlahla somkhiwane esingatheliMathewu 21:18-19; Makhu 11:12-14* Ngakusasa lapho bephuma eBhethaniya, uJesu walamba. Wabona umkhiwane buqamama, unamaqabunga, wasondela kuwo ethi hleze angathola okuthile kuwo. Esefikile kuwo akatholanga lutho, kodwa amacembe wodwa nje,

Passion Week – Tuesday

As far as we can put the chronology together, the following events all took place on the Tuesday of the week in which Jesus died. (Those marked with * provide a shorter reading with no repetition.) TUESDAY Jesus curses the barren fig treeMatt 21:18-19; Mark 11:12-14* Jesus cleanses the TempleMatt 21:12-13; Mark