ULwesine weviki lokubethelwa kweNkosi yethu uJesu Khristu

Usuku ngaphambi kokubethelwa esiphambanweni kukaJesu. Izigameko eziningi zalolusuku zenzeka sekuntambama okwenza ukuba ukuqulwa kwecala kuze kungenele kwizintatha kusa zangoLwesihlanu. Funda izigameko zalolusuku uqaphele ukuthi uJesu wayazi ukuba yini esizomehlela. ( Landela amavesi amakwe ngo* ukuze ufunde kafushane) UJesu uthumela abanye babafundi ukuyolungisa isidlo sePhasikaMathewu 26:17-20; Makhu 14:12-17; Lukha 22:7-16* Lwase lufika usuku

Passion Week – Thursday

It is the day before the crucifixion of Jesus. Most of the events of this day occurred after hours which made for a long night into the early hours of Friday. Read the events of this day knowing that Jesus knew what was about to happen. (Follow the verses with