Ukuhlezi ubuza ukuthi “kungani?!” ngezikhathi ezinzima

Izinto ezimbi ziyenzeka. Kwesinye isikhathi izinto ezimbi ezenzekayo kusuke nje kuyimiphumela yezono esizenzile. Kwezinye izikhathi izinto ezimbi azihlangene ngokuqondile nento esiyenzile ngakube eyisono noma ewubuwula, kodwa kuba ngenxa yobubi bomunye. Beseke kubekhona izinto ezimbi ezenzeka ngenxa nje yokuthi siphila emhlabeni onesono lapho izinto ezimbi sezivamile ukuba zenzeke.  Ngemuva kobuhlungu nokulahlekelwa

Asking “Why?!” During Trials

Bad things happen. Sometimes the bad things that happen are simply consequences of sinful deeds we’ve committed. Other times the bad things have nothing directly to do with our sin or folly, but is because of the evil of another. And then there are bad things that happen simply because