Icebo lezikhathi zezinhlupheko

Icebo elenziwe ngesikhathi selidingeka, liyicebo elenziwa isikhathi sesidlulile. Ukuhlela ngaphambili uhlelela isimo esingenakugwemeka, noma okukancane ukuba senzeke, yinto esiyijwayele kakhulu. Izinkampani zomshwalense ziyavelela kakhulu ngamacebo esiwenzela izingozi okukancane ukuba zenzeke, noma ukufa okuyinto engenakugwemeka. Sinamacebo ezimo eziphuthumayo esiwenzile senzela uma kufika izimo ezifana nobugebengu, inhlekelele evela ngokwemvelo noma izidingo zosizo

A Plan for Suffering

A plan made in time of need is a plan made too late. Planning beforehand for the inevitable, or even for the unlikely, is something we are very familiar with. Insurance companies thrive on the plans we make for the unlikely accident, or the inevitable death. We have emergency plans