Isikhathi esihle sokukhuleka.

Sinini isikhathi esihle sokukhuleka? Impendulo emfushane ithi: Sonke iskhathi! Njengoba kuke kuthathelwe emazwini kaMartin Lloyd-Jones uma ethi: “ Wuvumele ngasosonke isikhathi umuzwa ofikayo ukuthi ukhuleke” UDaniyeli wayenendlela enhle kakhulu yokulandela isikhathi sokukhuleka. UDaniyeli ubekhuleka ngokwenqubo emisiwe, kanjalo futhi asebenzise izehlo zosuku ukumgqugquzela ukuba akhuleke. Kwathi lapho uDaniyeli esazi ukuthi umbhalo

A Good Time to Pray

When is the best time to pray? The short answer is: every time! As Martin Lloyd-Jones is quoted for saying: “Always give in to every impulse to pray”. Daniel had a great approach to the best time to pray. Daniel would pray according to a set routine, as well as