Imisho ekhuthazayo emifushane enikezela ngenkulumo ephelele necacile ifake kwababuthaka amandla okuphumelela kwizinhlobo ezahlukene zemizamo yokuphumelelisa amaphupho abo. Inqwaba yezindaba ekhona lapho khona labo abangacatshangwa kwakucatshangwa kube yibo abakhulayo babe ama-CEO, labo abacindezelwe babe abasindisayo, labo abangamavila badlondlobale babe ngamaqhawe Lokhu kuyiqiniso nasemsebenzini kamoya. uJosefa owayengomncane kubafowabo waba yisigqila wase eba
Romans 12:11 Three Wake-up Calls for Spiritual Service
Motivational one-liners have infused the weak with strength to succeed at all kinds of endeavours. Stories abound of underdogs becoming CEOs, of the oppressors becoming saviours, of the lazy becoming heroes. The same is true for spiritual ministry. The little brother Joseph became slave and then executive ruler of Egypt.