Incwadi Amahubo 119:68 iyaqinisa ngokungangabazi ukuthi uNkulunkulu muhle. Isiphetho esingenakuma ngenye indlela naso esijulile ngokulinganayo sithi: uNkulunkulu wenza okuhle. Ayikho into uNkulunkulu asake ayenza embi, futhi ayikho into embi eyake yenziwa nguNkulunkulu. Umuhle Wena futhi wenza okuhle. Amahubo 119:68a Njengoba iqiniso ngoNkulunkulu ngokuvamile kuyiyona into umhlaba ozoyithandabuza, uyiphike, uyizibe, uNkulunkulu,
The Goodness of God’s Goodness
Psalm 119:68 affirms unequivocally that God is good. The necessarily conclusion is equally profound: God does good. Nothing that God has ever done is bad, and nothing that is bad has ever been done by God. You are good and do good Psalm 119:68a Since this truth about God is