Ziningi izinto kulempilo eqalekiswe ngesono ezenza abazalwane bathukuthele bagane unwabu. Uma izinto ezinjenganalezi zigcwala kwizindaba, ukuhushulwa kwezisu, inkohlakalo, ukuqwayiza, udlame, nobudlelwano obuhlukumezanayo, nabanye abaningi babonakala bekugqugquzela lokhu, thina njengaMakrestu fanele sibe nezinga elithize lokuthukuthelela into engalungile. Ngisho nakwizinto eziyizinkinga zethu zempilo ngokufanelekile siba nomuzwa othile esiwubhekise kulabo abaziphatha ngokungalungile nabangathembekile
Anger Done Rightly
There are many things in this sin-cursed life that make the blood of the believers boil. When things like abortion, corruption, prostitution, riots, and abusive relationships fill the news and seem to be promoted by so many, we as Christians should feel a certain level of moral outrage. Even in