“Ngizozibonela mina”

Kwincwadi yeZaga kunezinhlobo eziningi zezimilo zabantu ezichazwayo ngendlelaegqamile. Kukhona ivila elinezaba ezidabukisayo ezihlekisayo, isiwulaesinikezelwe igama elisifanele, isedeleli nomlomo waso omkhulu, isiwula esikhuthazela ekungazini, ababi beqhathaniswa nabalungile bese kuba, ongafanele ashiwe ngaphandle, umuntu ozishaya ohlakaniphile emehlweni akhe. Umuntu ozibona ehlakaniphile emehlweni akhe yilowo ozibona yenaukuthi Ulungile eyedwa. Kungenzeka angazitsheli ukuthi  uhlakaniphe

“I’ll Figure it out For Myself”

In the book of Proverbs there are many stereotypical characters with colourful introductions. There is the sluggard with his comically pathetic excuses, the fool named accordingly, the mocker with his loud mouth, the simpleton thriving on naïvety, the wicked in contrast to the righteous, and, not to be left out,