“Namhlanje ngidumele. Ngizobe ngingumzenzisi uma ngiya esontweni.” Ukulahlekelwa yithemba kungumeluleki omubi wezinqumo zansuku zonke, kodwa noma kunjalo inkulumo efana nale engenhla iyinto eyinkolelo yaMakhrestu amaningi adonsa kanzima. “Angikwazi ukuthandaza njengamanje, ngithukuthele kabi, “Ngicela ungiyeke, angithandi ukukhuluma nawe okwamanje”, “Ngizophinde ngikuthande uma sengikuqondile ngempela´, “Angikwazi ukuya kwi-homegroup manje ebsuku; akufanele abantu
Obeying When You Don’t Feel like It
“I’m so discouraged today. I would be a hypocrite if I went to church today.” Despair is a terrible advisor of daily decisions, and yet statements like this one above are the very real convictions of too many struggling Christians. “I can’t pray right now, I’m just so angry”, “Leave