Omunye nomunye wethu unohlu lwezinto azilindele kuhulumeni wethu. Ezinye zezinto ezikuloluhlu kungaba ngisho izinto eziseMbhalweni uNkulunkulu azilindele ukuba zenziwe yibo ohulumeni. Kodwa Imibhalo iphinde ifake ohlwini lwezinto lezo uNkulunkulu azilindele kuMakrestu eziyindlela ekumele enze ngayo ukuphendula kwimithetho abayimeselwe ohulumeni babo. Uhulumeni kungenzeka angaphili ngokwesaba uNkulunkulu aphinde angafezekisi lokho uNkulunkulu akulindele
Christian Duties to the Government (1)
Each of us have a list of things we expect from our government. Some of the items of the list might even be the things in Scripture that God expects from governments. But Scripture also lists things that God expects from Christians in response to their governments. The government might