“ungayenza lento” amazwi ajwayelekile okukhuthaza ukuthi umuntu enze kahle asuka kuthisha ebhekiswe kumfundi esikoleni, kumbe umqeqeshi ewabhekise kumsubathi enkudleni yokugijima, noma asuka kumzali ewabhekise kumntwana ekhaya. Kungamazwi okukhuthaza avela kuMose esikhathini esegugile ewabhekise kubantu abadala ababesazuqhubeka baphile isikhathi eside ngemuva kwakhe. Nelungelo elikhethekile lokuthola ukufundiswa esikoleni,lifika nomsebenzi wokuqeda umsebenzi wesikole.
You Can Do It
“You can do it” is common encouragement towards excellence from a teacher to a student at school, from a coach to an athlete on the field, or from a parent to a child in the home. It is also the encouragement from the aged Moses to adults who are going