Ezinye zezinto ezinganakwa kakhulu, kodwa ezinomthelela ojulile, kakhulukazi ngokuhamba kwesikhathi, kumsebenzi wenkonzo wabanye abefundisi kube yimikhuleko yasesidlangalaleni ngezikhathi zokukhonza. Lokhu kubonisa ngobufakazi ifa lokubaluleka komkhuleko wasesidlangalaleni empilweni yamakholwa. Incwadi yamaHubo yindlela yeBhayibheli yokwakha isibonelo sesidingo somkhuleko wasesidlangalaleni kulabo abawezwayo ( noma abawafundayo,noma abawaculayo). Incwadi yamaPuritan iValley of Vision ( Isigodi
Praying the Bible
Some of the least recognised, but profoundly impactful, especially over time, ministry of some pastors has been the public prayers during worship services. This reflects a heritage of the importance of public prayers in the lives of believers. The book of Psalms is the Bible’s way of modelling the relevance