Uhambo lwempilo yoMkrestu lugoqwe kwiHubo elilodwa

Amahubo isahluko 1 saziwa njengeHubo elindlalela wonke amaHubo alandela ngemuva kwalo. ImpelaliyiHubo eligoqa lonke uhambo lwempilo yansuku zonke yalo lonke ikholwa. Njenganalokhuezinye zezimo zempilo ziyithuba elihle lokudumisa, kanjalo namaningi AmaHuboangamaHubo okubonga nendumiso. Ngokufanayo, ezinye zezimo zempilo yizikhathiezibuhlungu zokuvivinywa kokukholwa, kanjalo amaHubo amaningi angamaHuboezinyembezi nokukholwa. IHubo 1, nomakunjalo, limi njengesisekelo ngaphansi

Christian Experiences Summed up in One Psalm

Psalm 1 is commonly recognised as the Psalm that introduces us to the rest of the Psalter. It is truly a Psalm that sums up the daily life experiences of every believer. Just like some life experiences are wonderful moments of worship, so many of the Psalms are Psalms of praise