God Wins, and We Benefit from It Amahubo 135 adalula umehluko omangazayo phakathi kukaNkulunkulu ophilayo nonkulunkulu balelizwe UNkulunkulu ophilayo unguNkulunkulu okhetha abantu azobathanda ( Amahubo 135:4). Mukhulu ( Amahubo 135:5), Wenza kuphela, futhi konke, lokho Akuthandayo Yena ( Amahubo 135:6). Ubusa phezu kwemvelo yonke ( Amahubo 135:7) kanjalo naphezu kwalabo
God Wins, and We Benefit from It
Psalm 135 exposes the striking contrast between the true living God and the gods of this world. The true living God is a God Who chooses people to love (Ps 135:4). He is great (Ps 135:5) and does only, and all, that which pleases Him (Ps 135:6). He rules over nature