Yini oyenzayo ngoNkulunkulu owazi konke

What do you do with an all-knowing God Uma uNkulunkulu enawo amehlo, nakhu angabe ayakubona: Amehlo kaSimakade asezindaweni zonke, aqapha abahle nababi. Izaga 15:3 UNkulunkulu wazi yonke into ngawo wonke umuntu. Uyazi imisebenzi yethu yansuku zonke, Uyayazi imicabango yethu, Uyazi ngisho nokuthi sizothini ngaphambi kokuba sikhulume (Amahubo 139:2-4). Yini oyenzayo

What Do You Do with an All-Knowing God?

If God has eyes, this is what they would see. The eyes of the LORD are in every place,keeping watch on the evil and the good. Proverbs 15:3 God knows everything about everyone. He knows our daily activities; He knows our thoughts; He even knows what we are going to