Ngakube inkolo yakho iyakusiza ukuthi unqobe isono?

Does your religion help you overcome sin? Ngobude beminyaka umuntu ayiphilayo kulomhlaba, yilapho kukhula ngokusobala ubufakazi bokuba yizeleze kwenkolo yamanga. Umkhonzi ovuthayo ukwedlula abanye ngosuku olulodwa lweviki angaba ngokhohlakale, ongabongiyo, oziphakamisayo, nongumkhohlisi ukwedlula abanye kwizinsuku nje ezimbili ezilandela lapho. Ngokudabukisayo lokhu kuyiqiniso nangokukhonza kwamanga ngaphansi kwegama loBukhrestu futhi. Kwinkulumo yokuphikisana

Does Your Religion Help You Overcome Sin?

The longer one lives on this earth, the more obvious the futility of false religion is evident. The most fervent of worshippers on one day of the week can be the most immoral, un-thankful, arrogant, and deceptive two days later. Sadly this is true of false worship under the banner