Imibuzo esobala ongazibuza yona uma ufunda iBhayibheli lakho

Basic questions to ask when reading your Bible Amavesi eBhayibheli aseke asetshenziselwa lonke uhlobo lwezizathu- ezinye ezithanda ukungabi zinhle kunezinye. Lokhu kungenxa yokuthi isijwayezi ukuthi sivame ukubona ukuthi yini esingayifunda evesini kunokuthi sizibophezele ekuboneni ukuthi yini empeleni lokho ivesi elikufundisayo. Isibonelo, uma bekungafanele ukuthi “ ngihambile ngaya esitolo ukuyothenga ubisi”,

Basic Questions to Ask When Reading Your Bible

Bible verses have been used for all kinds of purposes—some less honourable than others. This is because our tendency is often to see what we can learn from the verse instead of committing to see what the verse actually teaches. For example, if I were to write “I went to