Izindlela ezimbili zokuphila

Two ways to live Ihubo 1 lingelithandwayo ngezindlela eziningi. Njengelibekwe phambili kwincwadi yaMahubo, lisebenza njengeliqukethe umhlahlandlela wawowonke Amahubo, linikezela ngesinqumo sendlela ngaphambi kokuba uqale uhambo oluya kulezincwadi ezibuthelwe ndawonye zaMahubo. Ihubo 1 linikezela ukuhlakanipha kwizindlela ezimbili ezikhona umuntu ngamunye angakhetha kuzona ukuthi aphile kanjani kulempilo. Eyodwa indlela ithembisa isibusiso, bese

Two Ways to Live

Psalm 1 is a favourite on many levels. Placed first in the Psalter, it acts like a flagship for the rest of the Psalms, offering decisive direction before embarking in this rest of the collection of Psalms. Psalm 1 offers wisdom on the two options each person has on how to live