Umsebenzi wakho kwingxabano

Your Responsibility in a Conflict Yiqiniso elisobala ukuthi lapho kukhona ingxabano phakathi kwabantu ababili, kusuke kukhona noma oyedwa ongasindisiwe, noma, uma bobabili besindisiwe, kukhona lo oyedwa ongathobekile kuNkulunkulu. Ngokujwayelekile, njengalokhu abazali abaningi bengafakaza, kuthatha abantu ababili ukuthi kube khona ukuxabana. Nokho ngokudabukisayo, ngoba nje kujwayele ukuthi kuthathe abantu ababili ukuthi

Your Responsibility in Conflict

It is a simple truth that where there is conflict between two people, there is either at least one not saved, or, if both are saved, there is at least one who is disobedient to God. Typically, as most parents would agree, it takes two to fight. Sadly though, just

Zinikele eBandleni

Give yourself to the Church Ngo April 5, 1891, uCharles Spurgeon wakhuluma lamazwi alendelayo kwintshumayelo yakhe ngalolusuku: Zinikele uqobolwakho eBandleni. Nina eningamalunga eBandla anilitholanga lilihle ngokuphelele nami ngiyathemba ukuthi nicishe nizizwe nijabule ngokuthi anilificanga kanjalo. Uma ngangingazange ngijoyine iBandla kuze kube ngithola lelo elihle ngokuphelele, alikho nhlobo iBandla engangizolijoyina! Ngalesosikhathi

Give Yourself to the Church

On April 5, 1891, Charles Spurgeon said the following in his sermon that day: Give yourself to the Church. You that are members of the Church have not found it perfect and I hope that you feel almost glad that you have not. If I had never joined a Church

Ukukholwa kuNkulunkulu kunqoba inkolelo ze

Faith fighting fate Iqiniso elisobala ngoNkulunkulu kumele kube, ngenxa nje yobuNkulunkulu bukaNkulunkulu, yiqiniso lokuthi uNkulunkulu Wengamele ngokuphelele zonke izinto. Mhlawumbe okuyiyona indlela evelele kunazozonke yokuveza ukukholelwa kukwengamela zonke izinto kuka kuNkulunkulu iza kumakholwa ngesibonelo somprofethi uJeremiya. Funda Isililo isahluko 3 usebenzise lokhukuhleleka kwezigaba okungezansi bese ulingise ukukholwa kwakhe lapho ubhekene

Faith Fighting Fate

The most basic truth about God must be, simply because of God’s ‘Godness’, the fact that God is the absolute Sovereign. Perhaps the greatest expression of faith in God’s sovereignty comes to believers through the example of Jeremiah the prophet. Read Lamentations chapter 3 with this outline and imitate his faith in

Ngingakukhulekela kanjani lokhu okwenzakalayo emhlabeni?

How Should I Pray about What Is Going on in the World? Ngesikhathi sikhuleka, lapho siyabona impela ukuthi yini eqinisweni esezinhlizweno zethu. Isikhathi esiningi emkhulekweni siyahluleka ngoba asiboni kuphuthuma kunesidingo futhi asizweli kwizinkinga sakulomhlaba. Kodwa ngokuvamile siyahluleka emkhulekweni, hhayi ngoba sishoda ngemthwalo ezinhlizweni zethu noma ngezinkinga kulomhlaba, kodwa ngenxa yamagama

How Should I Pray about What Is Going on in the World?

When we pray, then we realise what is truly on our hearts. We often fail in prayer because we do not have any sense of urgency or need and are callous to the troubles of this world. But often we fail in prayer, not for lack of burdens on our

Intshumayelo yezifundo evela kuJesu

A Sermon of lessons from Jesus Kuhlezi kukuhle ukukhumbula amazwi kaJesu Khristu, iNkosi futhi uNkulunkulu wethu, awakhuluma ngesikhathi eshumayela “kwintshumayelo yasentabeni”. Okulandelayo inkulumo Yakhe efingqiwe yezigaba ezehlukene ze “Ntshumayela yaseNyabeni”. Lokhu kufake enhlizweni, wazi ukuthi uJesu unendaba nathi namhlanje, futhi amazwi Akhe eminyaka eyizi-2000 edlulile asayiqiniso namhlanje ngokufanaya nakuleyaminyaka. Isibusiso

A Sermon of Lessons from Jesus

It is always good to remember the words of Jesus Christ, our Lord and God, when He preached the “sermon on the mount”. What follows is a simple summary of each paragraph of His “Sermon on the Mount”. Take these to heart, knowing that Jesus cares for us today, and