Ikontileka yokuzibophezela ukuhlala uhlanzekile maqondana nocansi

A Contract of Sexual Purity Eyodwa yezinto eziphathekayo ezikholelwa ngesiqiniseko ezenza uJobe abe yisibonelo esihle sobungcwele ukuthi wangena kwikontileka yesibopho engena nokulangazelela kwakhe ucansi, lekontileka imaqondana nokuhlanzeka okuqondene nocansi. Iqoshelwe thina kuJobe 31:1-12, imigomo nemibandela yalekontileka yesibopho noqobolwakhe ingabekwa ngalendlela elandelayo: Uma ngike ngabuka imibukiso nezithombe zabantu abenza ucansi (Jobe

A Contract of Sexual Purity

One of the very practical convictions that made Job such a noble example of godliness was that he had written a contract with his own sexual appetite regarding sexual purity. It is recorded for us in Job 31:1-12, and the terms and conditions of the contract with himself can be summed