Romans 12:20 The opposite of taking revenge KwabaseRoma 12:19 bayasinqabela ukuthi siziphindiselele. KwabaseRoma 12:20 basinikezela esingakwenza esikhundleni sokuzithathela thina impindiselelo. Kepha-ke:“Uma isitha sakho silambile, siphe sidle;uma somile, siphuzise, ngokuba ngokwenza lokho, uyakube ufumbela amalahle avuthayo ekhanda laso.” KwabaseRoma12:20 UJesu wafundisa okufanayo kuMathewu 5:43-48, kodwa lawangamagama athathelwa ngqo kulokho abazalwane abahlakaniphile
Romans 12:20 The Opposite of Revenge
Romans 12:19 forbids Christians from taking revenge. Romans 12:20 gives us the replacement action when tempted to take revenge. To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Romans 12:20 Jesus