Opportunists for good works Njengalokhu isisho sisho “yakhela ngamaqubu enye”. Ngenxa yesiqalekiso sesono kulomhlaba, abaningi balahlekelwa abathandiweyo babo, yindlela yokungena kwemali ekhaya, kanye nokuba nokuthula. Kodwa futhi khona kunjalo, kuhlezi kukhona osomathuba abafuna ukuzuza ngokukhathazeka kwabanye ngezimo zempilo nezinhlupheko zabanye. Amakhrestu angosomathuma ngesikhathi sezinhlupheko, kodwa hhayi ngokwezindlela zobugovu zalelizwe. Amakhrestu
Opportunists for Good Works
As the idiom says, “one man’s loss is another man’s gain”. Because of the curse of sin in this world, many lose their loved ones, sources of income, and sense of peace. But at the same time, there are always opportunists seeking to gain from the paranoia and suffering of