Intshumayelo yezifundo evela kuJesu

A Sermon of lessons from Jesus Kuhlezi kukuhle ukukhumbula amazwi kaJesu Khristu, iNkosi futhi uNkulunkulu wethu, awakhuluma ngesikhathi eshumayela “kwintshumayelo yasentabeni”. Okulandelayo inkulumo Yakhe efingqiwe yezigaba ezehlukene ze “Ntshumayela yaseNyabeni”. Lokhu kufake enhlizweni, wazi ukuthi uJesu unendaba nathi namhlanje, futhi amazwi Akhe eminyaka eyizi-2000 edlulile asayiqiniso namhlanje ngokufanaya nakuleyaminyaka. Isibusiso

A Sermon of Lessons from Jesus

It is always good to remember the words of Jesus Christ, our Lord and God, when He preached the “sermon on the mount”. What follows is a simple summary of each paragraph of His “Sermon on the Mount”. Take these to heart, knowing that Jesus cares for us today, and