How Should I Pray about What Is Going on in the World? Ngesikhathi sikhuleka, lapho siyabona impela ukuthi yini eqinisweni esezinhlizweno zethu. Isikhathi esiningi emkhulekweni siyahluleka ngoba asiboni kuphuthuma kunesidingo futhi asizweli kwizinkinga sakulomhlaba. Kodwa ngokuvamile siyahluleka emkhulekweni, hhayi ngoba sishoda ngemthwalo ezinhlizweni zethu noma ngezinkinga kulomhlaba, kodwa ngenxa yamagama
How Should I Pray about What Is Going on in the World?
When we pray, then we realise what is truly on our hearts. We often fail in prayer because we do not have any sense of urgency or need and are callous to the troubles of this world. But often we fail in prayer, not for lack of burdens on our