Faith fighting fate Iqiniso elisobala ngoNkulunkulu kumele kube, ngenxa nje yobuNkulunkulu bukaNkulunkulu, yiqiniso lokuthi uNkulunkulu Wengamele ngokuphelele zonke izinto. Mhlawumbe okuyiyona indlela evelele kunazozonke yokuveza ukukholelwa kukwengamela zonke izinto kuka kuNkulunkulu iza kumakholwa ngesibonelo somprofethi uJeremiya. Funda Isililo isahluko 3 usebenzise lokhukuhleleka kwezigaba okungezansi bese ulingise ukukholwa kwakhe lapho ubhekene
Faith Fighting Fate
The most basic truth about God must be, simply because of God’s ‘Godness’, the fact that God is the absolute Sovereign. Perhaps the greatest expression of faith in God’s sovereignty comes to believers through the example of Jeremiah the prophet. Read Lamentations chapter 3 with this outline and imitate his faith in