Zinikele eBandleni

Give yourself to the Church Ngo April 5, 1891, uCharles Spurgeon wakhuluma lamazwi alendelayo kwintshumayelo yakhe ngalolusuku: Zinikele uqobolwakho eBandleni. Nina eningamalunga eBandla anilitholanga lilihle ngokuphelele nami ngiyathemba ukuthi nicishe nizizwe nijabule ngokuthi anilificanga kanjalo. Uma ngangingazange ngijoyine iBandla kuze kube ngithola lelo elihle ngokuphelele, alikho nhlobo iBandla engangizolijoyina! Ngalesosikhathi

Give Yourself to the Church

On April 5, 1891, Charles Spurgeon said the following in his sermon that day: Give yourself to the Church. You that are members of the Church have not found it perfect and I hope that you feel almost glad that you have not. If I had never joined a Church