Soft words; Harsh words; which words works best? Impendulo ethambile iyaludambisa ulaka,kodwa izwi elilimazayo libhebhezela intukuthelo. Izaga 15:1 Kwaze kwabayivesi esilidingayo kulomhlaba! Eqinisweni, ukube umhlaba ungalenza kahle lelivesi leBhayibheli, umhlaba wethu ungacishe ulunge ngokuphelele! Isahluko 3 sencwadi ekaJakobe iqinisekisa ukuthi uma singakwazi ukulawula amazwi, singakwazi ukulawula nezinye izinto futhi. Amazwi
Soft Words; Harsh Words; Which Words Work Best?
A soft answer turns away wrath,but a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 15:1 What a necessary verse it is for us in this world! In fact, if the world got just this one verse in the Bible right, our world would be almost perfect! James chapter 3 affirms that
Ukholo lweqiniso lwenza umehluko
True faith makes a difference Ukholo lweqiniso lwenza umehluko ikhorasi yencwadi ekaJakobe. Kwinkolo ‘yoBukhrestu’ lapho abaningi bezishaya Amakhrestu kodwa beyingcosana aphila ngokwangempela ngendlela ehlukile kunalo mhlaba, lenkulumo esobala efingqiwe yencwadi ekaJakobe iyinsika yokholo lweqiniso—ukholo lweqiniso lwenza umehluko. Isibonelo, kwabaseFiliphi 2:14-15 basikhombisa indlela amakholwa eqiniso angakhonondi ngayo njengezwe. Esinye isbonelo salokhu
True Faith Makes a Difference
True faith makes a difference is the chorus of the book of James In a ‘Christianity’ where many claim to be a Christian but few really lived profoundly different to the world, this simple summary statement of the book of James is an anchor for true faith—true faith makes a difference. For
Ngingakwenza konke ngoKhristu ongiqinisayo
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me Incwadi kwabaseFiliphi 4:13 ivamile ukushiwo yilabo abazibiza ngaMakhrestu, kodwa ngokunganaki lokho okwakuhloswe nguNkulunkulu ngalomusho oseZwini Lakhe. Uvesi 13 yiwona okkhunjulwayo kwindatshana kavesi 10-20. Uvesi 13 ngokulula nje ukhuluma ngokuqinisekisa kukaPawuli ukuthi angakwazi ukuba aneliseke ngaphansi kwazo zonke izimo, ezinhle noma
I Can Do All Things through Christ Who Strengthens Me
Philippians 4:13 is quoted frequently by professing Christians, but rarely with any awareness of what God intended with that line in His Word. Verse 13 is merely the memorable part in the story of verses 10-20. Verse 13 is simply Paul’s affirmation that he could be content in every circumstance, good
Umthombo kamoya weStress
Spiritual Source of Stress “I-stress” ileyoncazelo kadokotela ngokugula efaka yonke into yalezozimpawu esibhekana nazo okungacacile kahle ukuthi kungabe sekuyisimo esidinga ukulashwa wodokotela, noma isono esithize esiyisijwayezi, noma yinkinga thizeni obhekene nayo. Odokotela bavele bathi yistress uma izimpawu abazibonayo zingenawo umsuka okhomba ukuthi kudinga ukulashwa wodokotela; amapyschologist (odokotela bemicabango!) bazishaya abangochwepheshe
Spiritual Sources of Stress
“Stress” is that all-inclusive description of those symptoms we experience that are too vague to point to a specific medical condition, specific sin pattern, or specific trial. Medical doctors blame stress when physical symptoms have no observable medical cause; psychologists claim to be experts on stress and try all kinds
Hlela impendulo engokweBhayibheli kwimpendulo yakho ukuyisebenzisa lapho ugxekwa
Formulate a Biblical response to being criticised Ukugcweliswa ( indlela uMkhrestu abangayo ngcwele) kunezitebhu ezintathu (Efesu 4:21-24 nabaseRoma 12:1-2): Ake lokhu sikusebenzise esimweni sokulingwa ukuthi usho uphinde ucabange impendulo enamazwi alimazayo lapho ugxekwa ngomunye umuntu. Nali uhlu lezimpendulo esivame ukuba nazo uma sigxekwa. Iyiphi ovame ukuyisebenzisa? Yimiphi imicabango engqondweni yakho
Formulate a Biblical Response to Being Criticised
Sanctification (the process of how a Christian becomes more holy) has three basic steps (Ephesians 4:21-24 and Romans 12:1-2): Let’s apply it to the temptation to say and think something hurtful in response to a criticising comment by another. Here are a selection of common responses to being criticised. Which one do