Ngingakwenza konke ngoKhristu ongiqinisayo

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me Incwadi kwabaseFiliphi 4:13 ivamile ukushiwo yilabo abazibiza ngaMakhrestu, kodwa ngokunganaki lokho okwakuhloswe nguNkulunkulu ngalomusho oseZwini Lakhe. Uvesi 13 yiwona okkhunjulwayo kwindatshana kavesi 10-20. Uvesi 13 ngokulula nje ukhuluma ngokuqinisekisa kukaPawuli ukuthi angakwazi ukuba aneliseke ngaphansi kwazo zonke izimo, ezinhle noma

I Can Do All Things through Christ Who Strengthens Me

Philippians 4:13 is quoted frequently by professing Christians, but rarely with any awareness of what God intended with that line in His Word. Verse 13 is merely the memorable part in the story of verses 10-20. Verse 13 is simply Paul’s affirmation that he could be content in every circumstance, good