True faith makes a difference Ukholo lweqiniso lwenza umehluko ikhorasi yencwadi ekaJakobe. Kwinkolo ‘yoBukhrestu’ lapho abaningi bezishaya Amakhrestu kodwa beyingcosana aphila ngokwangempela ngendlela ehlukile kunalo mhlaba, lenkulumo esobala efingqiwe yencwadi ekaJakobe iyinsika yokholo lweqiniso—ukholo lweqiniso lwenza umehluko. Isibonelo, kwabaseFiliphi 2:14-15 basikhombisa indlela amakholwa eqiniso angakhonondi ngayo njengezwe. Esinye isbonelo salokhu
True Faith Makes a Difference
True faith makes a difference is the chorus of the book of James In a ‘Christianity’ where many claim to be a Christian but few really lived profoundly different to the world, this simple summary statement of the book of James is an anchor for true faith—true faith makes a difference. For