Amazwi okugcina abhekiswe kulomhlaba

Last words for this World Incwadi yeSambulo yisambulo sokugcina esivela kuNkulunkulu esinikezelwe kithina eZwini Lakhe. Sisitshela ngokuphela kwalomhlaba. Sikhuluma ngesiphelo sabantu abagcwele ukona abaziphila ngokuvukela uNkulunkulu. Sikhuluma ngezenzo zokugcina zikaNkulunkulu elethe ubulungiswa obuphelele kulomhlaba. Yisambulo esigcwele izinto ezinzima ukuthi uziqonde, kodwa futhi ukufundeka kwayo incwadi ngokucace bha: Izinto zoba zimbi

Last Words for This World

The book of Revelation is the last revelation from God given to us in His Word. It tells of the end of this world. It tells about the natural end of sinful people living out their rebellion against God. It tells of God’s final acts bringing perfect justice to this