**long post warning One of the most theologically controversial passages in Scripture is Romans 9. This is not for lack of clarity in the chapter, for the flow of thought is rather straight-forward. Rather the controversy of the chapter relates to our struggle with some of the revelations God gives in Romans
Basic Questions to Ask When Reading Your Bible
Bible verses have been used for all kinds of purposes—some less honourable than others. This is because our tendency is often to see what we can learn from the verse instead of committing to see what the verse actually teaches. For example, if I were to write “I went to
What Your Bible Reading Says about Your Courage
Courageous men and women are individuals who esteem a specific list of values and who live by a stated set of principles. Wimps value only themselves and react to life as it happens with whatever they think best at the time. As Christians we ought to stop our wimpish ways
Non-Bible Biblical Resources
The Bible is the only source of Divine Revelation and is the only authoritative reference point of all things spiritual. Christians are required to read/hear the Bible, study the Bible, memorise the Bible, meditate on the Bible in its own pure, non-annotated form. The Bible is completely sufficient all by itself. However, this does
A Pattern for Your Own Devotional
Use this post today for your time with the Lord, and then imitate the pattern, even writing it out like this, for the rest of your life. READ Psalm 47:1-9 PRAYHeavenly Father.You are worthy of praise!We, your people are called to praise you. Let us do it with joy-filled hearts.We
How Well Do You Know John 3:16?
The most well-known verse in the Bible is probably John 3:16. It is a wonderful Gospel verse that combines both the simple and the profound realities of true faith. But how well do you really know it? One of the most primitive skills in reading the Bible is simply to
Help in Reading The Really Long Sentences in the Bible
It is perhaps most common with the Apostle Paul, but Scripture is full of sentences and paragraphs that are so long that you find yourself so absorbed in the details that you forget the main point. A useful tip when reading those passages is to strip away most of the
Errors in the Bible?
Just recently again I heard an acquaintance simply remark that there are errors in the Bible. It didn’t phase him in the least saying so, and he even still maintained a religious devotion to the Bible. He is sadly not the minority, for many unbelievers in God promote the idea
Ten Psalms a Day?
Have you ever tried that? Reading ten Psalms a day? We tend to read one a day perhaps, and if you are like me, even if you spend some time in the Psalm for the day, you probably still just take one key thought with you throughout the day. But
Bible Interpretation for Every Christian
We need to read our Bibles better. It appears in our day that everybody knows something about the Bible, yet do not themselves actually read the Bible. Those who do read the Bible are often left confused as to the actual meaning of the Scriptures compared to the popular usage