A Brief Theology of the End

After the full number of believers among the Gentiles have been brought in, the Lord will return His attention to Israel (Rom 11:25). Satan will at this time increase his deception and rebellion for seven years (Dan 9:27; 1 Thess 2:9-12). During this time God will judge the whole earth

“Hallelujah!” for Both Justice and Grace

We rightfully praise the Lord for His grace and goodness towards us. Many of the Psalms erupt with “Hallelujah!” (Hebrew for “blessed be the LORD”) for God’s character and accomplishments. But at the End of the World, Revelation 19 records for us that there will be some of the most

The main themes of the Bible

In  the  preface  to The  MacArthur  Study  Bible,  John  MacArthur gives  the  following  synopsis  of  the  theme  and  purpose  of  the Scriptures: There is one God. The Bible has one Creator. It is one book. It has one plan of grace, recorded from initiation, through execution, to consummation. From predestination