Faith Tests: Not to Expose, but to Confirm

As long as I can remember, “tests” were to expose flaws. Spelling tests were to show you the words you didn’t know. Maths tests were to show you the equations you couldn’t complete. Fitness tests were to expose the weaklings. Character tests were to determine what needs some refinement. Tests

The Clues of the Presence of Saving Faith

In 1 John 5:13 the Spirit, through John, informs us that we can know if we have true saving faith. In the rest of 1 John the Spirit listed many little clues that, if you see them, probably indicate that the faith you claim to have is indeed genuine, saving, faith. Here

The Context of Real Spiritual Warfare

If you think of spiritual warfare, what kind of contexts do you think of? Do you think of the context of a righteous and godly man, known for his gentleness? Do you think of a person who has a reputation for a clear explanation of the Gospel, the new birth,

A Plan for Suffering

A plan made in time of need is a plan made too late. Planning beforehand for the inevitable, or even for the unlikely, is something we are very familiar with. Insurance companies thrive on the plans we make for the unlikely accident, or the inevitable death. We have emergency plans

Work to Rest, or Rest to Work

This concept of work versus rest is a Biblical concept. God worked six days in the creation of the world, and rested the seventh. This became a standard of rest throughout the Scriptures and specifically a law of rest for the nation of Israel under God’s rule. But, just because

Even If the Earth Changes; God Still Doesn’t

Is your faith set on this world, or on God? What I mean is, do the realities of God determine the strength of your faith, or do the realities of this world and it’s affairs determine the ups and downs of your faith? If all goes well, and then something

To Be Found Faithful

As Christians we ought to see ourselves first and foremost as a manager under God (1 Corinthians 4:1). God has given us our lives, our gifts, our salvation, and our hope. The most basic requirement on us as managers of all the things given us by God is to be

Christianese: Faith

Perhaps the most familiar religious term to all professing Christians is the word “faith”. Can you give a short explanation of what it means? Faith is “belief in”. It needs to be differentiated from mere “belief”, for in our times “faith” has become a commodity—the more you have of it,

By Faith We Work

In the debate between true and false forms of spirituality, the faith-works distinction is vital. God says that salvation is not by works, but by faith, and then, when true faith has been granted, there will be much works. That is why the Scriptures both condemn dependence on works for

Job: Proverbs for the Despairing

Like the Psalms are the very personal expression of worship throughout the ups and downs of life, like Ecclesiastes is the life-story of Solomon turned into words of wisdom, and like Proverbs is the words of the wise recorded for all who seek wisdom, so Job is the collection of