When Your Sin Makes You Depressed

One of the songs sung on the way to the annual feasts in Jerusalem was Psalm 130. You might wonder what festival singing has to do with the guilt over your own sin, and this is where Psalm 130 provides a very important answer. Before you can joyfully come to worship, you need

A Picture of Our Father’s Care

At the end of a rather tumultuous life, Joseph, the once favourite son, then slave, even inmate, and later prime minister, displays unexpected care to those who caused all his misfortunes. Not surprisingly, it is his view of God that provides the foundation for his gracious and caring response to

“Hallelujah!” for Both Justice and Grace

We rightfully praise the Lord for His grace and goodness towards us. Many of the Psalms erupt with “Hallelujah!” (Hebrew for “blessed be the LORD”) for God’s character and accomplishments. But at the End of the World, Revelation 19 records for us that there will be some of the most

God’s Character is Our Comfort

The LORD is merciful and gracious,slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. This chorus of God’s character is repeated three times in the Psalms. In Psalm 86:14-17, David reflects on this chorus of God’s character to comfort his soul when oppressed by others. Because of God’s mercy and grace,