Psalm 135 exposes the striking contrast between the true living God and the gods of this world. The true living God is a God Who chooses people to love (Ps 135:4). He is great (Ps 135:5) and does only, and all, that which pleases Him (Ps 135:6). He rules over nature
Blessed Are the Meek
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5 Like the other Beatitudes, this one exposes the irony of reality. In a world where it appears that the angry, loud, and self-confident always get ahead, we soon forget that the opposite is actually reality. This beatitude is
The Sigh of Righteousness
Until the Lord comes again to put an end to sin and establish righteousness as the standard for society, righteousness will be difficult. We know that it is always better to respond to evil with righteousness, but sometimes righteousness seems to draw out more evil from evil-doers. There is often
Mourning the Oppression of the Helpless
Because of the existence and abundance of sin, this world is scarred and disfigured by horrific acts of the powerful against the helpless. Be it large-scale war among nations destroying their own citizens, or intimate disembodiment of a baby in the mother’s womb, we mourn the oppression of the helpless.
God’s Perfections Are Our Counsellors
“Pick five of God’s attributes and write down their relevance to your situation.” That was the instruction from a seminary professor to a group of men only starting to sense the superior nature of Biblical counsel over every worldly alternative. Add you own circumstantial details, but the basic exercise can
God’s Judgments Always Come True
In the Garden of Eden, God warned Adam and Eve that if they disobey the only prohibition given them, that they would definitely die (Genesis 2:17). However, they did not die immediately in chapter 3 when they disobeyed. Does this mean God’s judgment was a mere idle threat with no
The LORD, Absolutely Just But Quick to Forgive
One of the most famous self-introductions of God to mankind came at the time that the nomadic nation of Israel was encamped at Mount Sinai. I the LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of
“Hallelujah!” for Both Justice and Grace
We rightfully praise the Lord for His grace and goodness towards us. Many of the Psalms erupt with “Hallelujah!” (Hebrew for “blessed be the LORD”) for God’s character and accomplishments. But at the End of the World, Revelation 19 records for us that there will be some of the most