Parenting Summed up in Two Commands

According to Deut 6:5-7, there are only two basic ingredients needed to be a God-ly influence on your child: 1) Be godly yourself, and 2) Teach your child to be godly. First, be godly yourself. You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all

The Effect of True Spiritual Warfare

For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every

Why We Worship God

“Why do you worship God?” For believers, that is not a difficult question to answer. The more difficult question is “Where do you start?!” It seems that Psalm 147 also didn’t really know where to start, so the author just started, and then continued for 20 verses with a number of calls

My God Knows Me

Psalm 139 is another all-time favourite Psalm of many a believer. It is a grand testimony to our God Who is unreachably beyond human limitation and yet intimately engaged with us. It begins and ends with God’s knowledge of us. Our God has known us (v. 1), and we delightedly pray

You Can Do It

“You can do it” is common encouragement towards excellence from a teacher to a student at school, from a coach to an athlete on the field, or from a parent to a child in the home. It is also the encouragement from the aged Moses to adults who are going

Do You Know God Better?

For a Christian, the question “Do you know God?” always has a resounding “Yes!” answer. But do you know God better? Do you know God better than you did your last birthday, last payday, last bath time, last mealtime? “Let us know; let us press on to know the LORD” (Hosea

A Psalm When Reality is Unpleasant

Psalm 10 is in many ways the perfect hospital bed Psalm for believers and even unbelievers. It is a Psalm of Reality – unpleasant reality. Read the first thirteen verses, and see if the pleas of your heart do not often express the same questions. Does God not see? Why does

Glimmers of Hope in Genealogies of Death

Curiosity is the mother of all learning, and that is certainly true in your reading of God’s Written Word. It is often the most unexpected chapters in Scripture that fill us with a sense of meaning and purpose in this life. Genesis chapter 5 is one of those chapters. From

Holes In Your Knowledge of God

The Apostle Paul maintained a clear conscience in ministry be ensuring that he preached the truth of God (2 Corinthians 2:17), the whole truth of God (Acts 20:27), and nothing but the truth of God (1 Corinthians 2:2). Yet we all have holes in our Bible knowledge. Some of it

The God Who Speaks

God is a speaking God. Ten times in Genesis chapter 1, we read that “God said“. The moment man sinned, God again spoke to them. With the first temptation of murder entering mankind’s world in Genesis 4, God initiates a spoken counselling session. God spoke to Noah to implement the