God is a speaking God. Ten times in Genesis chapter 1, we read that “God said“. The moment man sinned, God again spoke to them. With the first temptation of murder entering mankind’s world in Genesis 4, God initiates a spoken counselling session. God spoke to Noah to implement the
God is a speaking God
God has not left us uninformed. In God’s kindness and wisdom, He limited the ways in which we can come to know Truth about Him. According to the Scriptures, God can be known through 1) Creation and 2) The Bible. This is commonly referred to by theologians as “General revelation”
When you want more than the Bible reveals
There are dozens of topics in Christian belief and practice that arouse our curiosity beyond the limits of revelation. Angels and demons, Melchizedek, dreams and visions, other writings by Bible writers that are not in the Bible, the childhood activities of Jesus, and many more like these are all questions