God is a speaking God. Ten times in Genesis chapter 1, we read that “God said“. The moment man sinned, God again spoke to them. With the first temptation of murder entering mankind’s world in Genesis 4, God initiates a spoken counselling session. God spoke to Noah to implement the plan of salvation from the world-wide flood. God spoke words of blessing to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God spoke through Moses words of judgement on Egypt, of deliverance for Israel, of self-revelation at Mount Sinai, of directions for prosperous living through the Law. God spoke through His prophets to the kings and people of Israel as well as the kings and people of some of the surrounding nations at the time. Then when Jesus came to earth, God spoke through Him most clearly than all the things spoken before then. In Christ God revealed Himself clearly and abundant to the world. In the rest of the NT God spoke again through the apostles and prophets. God is a speaking God.
All of God’s spoken words were communicated in real life situations to the chosen people at the time. But, in His timeless grace, God had the timeless truths of His spoken word preserved for us in the Scriptures which are aptly called “God’s Word“. In God’s Word we find the same treasures as those at the time received when He spoke to them. Through the Scriptures we too obtain the self-revelation of God so we can can know Him. We too received the commandments to live righteously in this world. We too benefit from His wisdom to thrive in the otherwise futile life. We too learn of the way of salvation, and the hope of the final consummation of all things.
God is a speaking God. Are you paying attention to His Word?
Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by your name, O LORD, God of hosts.
Jeremiah 15:16